.Tuesday, January 31, 2006 ' 11:41 PM Y


Today dinner was at East Coast Seafood Centre, Jumbo Restaurant....Well today had Jie Hua,Brian,Gilbert,Lim,and Puay Sian!!! Woot we were all pretty looking forward to eating there cos its been sometime all of us had gathered together,but still today dont have the full group because ling has projects to do still...dunno what the hell one his project is like 365 days a year non-stop!!

Upon reaching,there was a super duper long queue outside of the restaurant liao,fortunately lim had great foresight,he had booked it few days ago!!! but bloody hell go there liao still need to wait, -_____- what kinda reservation is this man!! Grrr!!! After awhile we started to place our orders already,we decided to order 6 dishes and think got abt 2-3 dishes kel highly recommended us so we decided to eat!!After taking our order for abt 1 min , the waitress came back and told us nomore chicken!!! WHAT THE HELL!!! AINT CHICKEN SUPPOSE TO BE THE MOST BASIC TYPE OF MEAT!!! well guess cant be helped we ordered Venison or otherwise known as Deer Meat!! Yum Yum!! Bah what do u know? Out of stock too!! i felt like "Kena Sai this dont have that dont have" Then i wanted to order Clams, then they tell me Sold Out too!!! There was 1 more dish also forgot what was it, then in the end also sold out... wah lau i hear liao i was super duper pissed off man, Open a damn bloody restaurant and yet u sell shit? This dont have that dont have!! Fuck off man!! Then want to ask for the menu, the 1st waitress forgot, then 2nd waitress ask me wait!! What the Hell....aint doing the service line, suppose to be customer first?? Geesh they sure need hella lotsa Service Training man. Then i seat there, the waitress/waiter walk here and there, then keep hitting my chair got abt 5 times sia, not even a apology!! 5 times and not even once!!

After we made our final order,then in less than 1 min our 1st dish came liao...We were like HUH!!! Then the waitress said "They made mistake so they give us this dish first" koaz eh listen liao also feel like scolding her sia....So are we ur correction tape? Bitch!! The rice they served was cold and rather hard as if it had been left for hours, and the food was just pretty average only, fucking hell i can easily eat better food outside man, come to this shit restaurant waste my time!!

So if u are looking for a fuck up dining experience, remember Jumbo Seafood Restaurant at East Coast!!

Eat liao then went to parkway to walk walk then played pool was awhile....then went home liao,so took bus with bert and brian,then normally alight at Eunos to take mrt ma, but then brian say take until Tampines , then in the end reach his house he pang seh.... that bloody shithead....hahaha

Well i guess the main thing was able to hang out with my friends ba...it was cool to be able to get together after sometime....just that the restaurant was really really absolutely Crappy!

While i was walking home, there was a teenage girl who was walking behind me...about 100m to 150m behind me....Guess what? She very pretty? she very cute? she very sweet? WRONG!!!hahaha she was damn fierce man, she was talking on the hp and scolding the person until damn loud sia!! BAH!!! Scold the person "Fucking Dog" and stuff...wah hear liao also shag!! So fierce somemore is in public lor....NEVER OFFEND A WOMAN!!! hahaha


.Sunday, January 29, 2006 ' 10:19 PM Y



Normally on the 1st day of New Year we would go to my grandmother's for visiting, but today never go because my mother fell ill....Geesh she could barely walk, so in the end went to Changi Hospital to consult a doctor,founded out to have stomach flu...geesh!!What a way to start off the New Year right? hahaha so whole day camp at home and play game lor...

Intially the 1st few games i played everyone(strangers) seemed so friendly and into the New Year they were all like Wishing Each Other "Happy Chinese New Year" and all the talks abt collecting "Ang Bao" but gradually people started to get fustrated because alot of Noob Gamers who leaves games half way just because they are losing or for no reasonable reasons....Games names for ppl to join includes "Leavers!!Whole Family Die!! " hahaha thats how lame it could be!! Do u really think leavers really wont join if u say that ??? hahaha who knows =/

In the afternoon,got 2 families came to visit us...One was my dad relative or sth i also not sure whats the relationship also, but all i know is i see them once every year!! hahaha Guess its not that bad right? At least i still know who they are!!Erm actually NO!! i only know how they look like!! Grrrr pretty screwed up huh!! hahaha

Well the 2nd family was my long time neighbour or maybe can say is childhood playmates!!Play together ever since i was young maybe like 2-3 years old!! hahaha Yup so after 1 year the 3 kids seems to have grown taller!! Damn it i am getting short!! hahaha actually cannot call them kids, because 1 is older than me!! hahaha another one is sec 3 this year and 1 is in Junior College. The 2 brothers had become more handsome man!! Wow!! And the Sister has become prettier too....pretty amazing how much can change in just 1 year.....Then my grandma while chatting with the mother, kept saying this phrase "She has become very very pretty,if we were in the same bus i wouldnt be able to recongise her unless she comes talk to me" my grandma said that like abt 5-6 times in chinese lor....CRAZY!!! Dunno why she keep saying also!! hahaha

Well thats abt it for today ba!!


.Wednesday, January 25, 2006 ' 11:27 PM Y


Woot!!Today do not need to go school...wahahaha so good right...Not really lor need to wake up early and report to Pasir Ris Camp which is also known as Special Operations Tactics Centre.Basically it is a Commando Training Camp,and the purpose of going there today is to see if we are selected to go to the Commando Basic Military Training(BMT).So Suey have to go cos they send letter, so no choice or else kena charged then gg no re

There were a few things which had to be completed before we can leave.The 1st was the IQ test and Coping with stress Test.Sounds easy hor, but the whole process of taking this test took abt 2-3 hours man....there were like close to 300 questions to be done!!! super tiring for the mind, seat there do until neck pain sia...Grrrr

2nd station-> went to do some physical fitness stuff which includes pull up and some new stuff which i never done before to test endurance,agility etc....Even the Burpees which we used to do are different this time, its kinda modified....Commandos are really Commandos do weird weird stuff and all super fit one!! =__=

3rd station-> medical check up!! firstly they gave us a form to fill up details like height & weight and eyesight...In that form has this figure of a human body with arrows indicating to different parts of the body with name of the part such as ankle,neck,shoulder etc so went u see the form u probably assumed that those parts will be areas where they will examine to see if got injury or sth like that right? so later go into the doctor room, stand there , put down form,then the doctor asked

Doctor: "so do u have any medical problems? "

Me : "Nope"

Doctor: "Ok u can go now"

Bah!! what the hell man!! so much for medical checkup!! hahaha

4th station -> Interview, they asked abt stuff abt me and if interested in joining the Commandos not!! it was a short interview but then the wait to be interviewed was long because got alot ppl....After that can go home liao!! ^__^

In the evening went to town to do some shopping with gilbert and Brian.We ate a the Soup Restaurant in Paragon...Its a chinese restaurant and the food they serve there is pretty tasty man....Thanks to the recommendation of Bert!! The brian siao one go there eat 3 bowls of white rice!!! wahaha bloody rice bucket!! "Fan Tong" hahaha Time passed very quickly and it was already 9pm like that after we had our dinner,that was because we took close to 45mins to decide what we wanted to eat!! hahaha the 3 of us couldnt made up our minds on what to eat!! So around 10 like that took a bus with the both of them, cos brian wanted to take bus so we accompany him lor, so i took until tampinese then take train go home!! hahaha got direct train go home dont want, rather take at 1hour++ bus trip then take train to go home...but the worst thing was that brian!!! that damn dog!!! accompany him take bus then he sleep throughtout the ride!! Bloody piece of monkey crap!! but luckily got bert there, so keep talking abt nonsense and games!! hahaha

Today because of the Camp thingy then didnt turn up for the soccer match!!Sorry Sports Club!! i wished i could play afterall it was a big match, and by far the most important match because Student Union and Sports Club have always been a great rivary!! hahaha unluckily today sports club lost!! BUT no worries we will win them next time right guys?? hahaha


.Sunday, January 22, 2006 ' 11:20 PM Y


Today is a really really boring day man...almost the whole day my mother keep pestering me to go out to get New Year Clothings....guess i am just lazy to go out ba and also sunday go out got so many ppl if want buy thing also very troublesome one =/

Remember today got woken up by Nur's Call again!!! He always call me so early in the morning one Grrrr always break the flow of my sleep...Guess what?? he called me to ask if i was free to play a soccer match in the noon -____- since i just woke up i felt so so so lazy i just told him Nope!! haha luckily i told rejected sia,cos in the afternoon it was raining pretty heavily!! Although its fun to play in the rain, but after the match super muddy and stuff then very troublesome arh!!! Hmmmm i sound damn lazy today hor? hahaha

Well in the evening while i was playing game,my mother came in and asked whats wrong with me???? i was like HUH!!! what the i do? then she said my sister told her there was sth wrong with me...because i am like so listless, then she still asked if i got "Xin Shi" or not!!! MAN!! i hate it when ppl ask me that man...it feels so dumb!! haha think the both of them are just Crazy lah... hahaha

I am still wondering if pink petals or snow falling for my blog is more suitable
-_-a any suggestions? Hope this new layout is alright ba...SHAMAN KING!!! Bah!! dunno what to say liao so shall stop here....


.Friday, January 20, 2006 ' 11:56 PM Y


Despite this week is a 1 week break because of spinnovex then do not have lesson,but still went back to school to do some work for Final Year Project,well nth much to say abt it but just that pretty screwed for it, its like on the verge of failing it liao....this is crazy man!!! Crap!!! What to do!!! Grrrr hahaha slack too much lah =/

Well after school decided to go bugis to hang around with Weiz,Peng,Hui & Chris....but when reaching City Hall station weiz felt tired so he went home first!!Crazy Fellow!!! Travel all the from Dover to City Hall to go back to Woodlands!!! hahaha At Bugis saw a couple of clocks which looks very nice!! Woot!! but too bad didnt buy, I WILL GET YOU SOMETIME!!! BUAHAHAHAHHAHA there goes my fetish for clocks again hahaha Soon after peng had to go back to school for training liao so left with me hui and chris....

We headed for Suntec to walk around because hui wanted to look for Chinese New Year Clothing!!After awhile we went to eat Swensen!!! ICE CREAM!!! Woot!!After the magnificent ice cream , we saw the Fountain of Wealth....then we were saying hmmm "maybe we go walked around the Fountain afew rounds our Final Year Project can get Distinction and all the bullshit" hahaha in the end when we were abt to go walk around the fountain we saw a few notice boards of Fortune telling kinda stuff for different chinese horoscope....some of the stuff they wrote seemed to be pretty accurate thou....then after reading we wanted to proceed go touch the fountain but then!!! but then!!! it was sealed up already!! bah!! then we cant enter....then we stood there awhile to look at the fountain then suddenly water started splashing around the fountain then we realise why they sealed it up!!!

Later we went Raffles City to walk walk!!While walking through City Link Mall,those 2 cocks saw one very big size guy and make fun say he is like World Wrestling Entertainment "The Big Show" hahaha so i turned to look then realise that was actually my Sec School Friend!! hahahah koaz eh mock my friend!! Its Nadi!! The super nice and friendly Giant...Well its cool to see him nth much of him has changed i guess...hahaha Well at Raffle City Saw alot alot of nice stuff man!! Saw this chair super super nice, it look sth like an egg like that at first i thought of buying it one but then i see the price i shag!! Can guess how much??? hahaha it was $2000 oh my goodness!! Any kind soul want to sponsor me? hehehe then also saw some lamps very nice too!!

After that we went ahead to esplanade....wanted to check out to see if there went any bands performing or not but today was crap lah, it was some rappers and they are lousy...sorry but u guys really do suck!!! hahaha so headed to the library to seat down and talk....the ambience and view was just awesome lah......just that 3 guys like that abti....GAY!! hahaha i think we sat in the library for 1 hour ++ sia hahaha hang around until abt 9++ then started to go back home liao....


.Thursday, January 12, 2006 ' 10:28 PM Y

Today is my napfa test!!

Been Raining for almost the whole day didnt it? =/ as a result the conditions were wet...especially at the Shuttle Run Station many ppl skid and fell....some even hit their head on the ground!! OUCH!!

So Sad man....did so badly for my napfa test....hahaha hopefully they will allow for a 2nd try!!!Please please!!!I guess it cant really be helped that i did badly for it since i never make any preparation or any sort of training for it...cannot blame lah,last week was MST week how to train...bah!! EXCUSES!!! hahaha

Recently been raining alot arh...so troublesome when it rains man!!Nowadays been watching Hajime No Ippo...its a very nice anime about boxing!!still in the process of watching it...i remember 2 days ago as i was watching,then for some reason i felt sth towards the anime...its feels like as if u are in the situation....hahahaha maybe its abit like touched ba....dunno what on earth i was feeling either!! hahaha but although watch several anime liao, this is the 2nd anime that gave me this kinda feeling man....-___- anyway the 1st was Scrapped Princess.....


.Friday, January 06, 2006 ' 11:26 PM Y

MST Finally Over!!! Wooo

Today was the last paper....think i am gonna fail this paper cos i never really study much for it....last paper lah then no mood to study one...i was playing most of the time instead of preparing for the paper sia....wonder if anyone feels the same way either?? Then today went into the examination hall with like 35% of preparation!!! wahahahah crazy!!!

Paper ended at 3pm so i just sat infront of sports hall until 4:30pm like because today got soccer match against School of EEE. Well the condition of the field was super muddy...then after the game started not long it started to pour but since there was no lightning the match wasnt postphoned....Got to play Defensive Midfield today ^_^ then was running here and there but it was so fun because it was raining too...then wont feel tired one...hahahaha then with the cool wind blowing against u and rain dropping on you aint that romantic with 22 other guys? hahahaha there were alot of ppl standing above at the railings infront of the sports hall and foodcourt 5 there....many of them were supporting School Of EEE....all cheering them and ANTI US!!! WAH LAU =( wahahaha but too bad we still won 2-0 ^_^hehehe i remember there was an incident whereby got this guy who was trying to tackle me....i got pass him then he pull my jersey from the back!!!wah i got so angry i turned around and gifted him "Fuck You" then continued with my run....hahaha was i very bad to him? hmmm well i scolded him because i afraid he like that pull spoil my jersey lor....somemore this jersey is very nice to me compared to the ones we had last 2 years...bah who cares!!! Its over!! haha

After the match i realised my right knee that area have alot of cuts sia....hmmm let me count....7 cuts....looks as if i got scratched by a cat!! hahaha but weird one because it doesnt feel pain at all -_-a i think those cuts were cause by the sand and mud....cos there were alot of mud and sand around my leg ma then maybe all those tussle with the opponents caused it...Then also collided with one of them and now my left knee is bruise.....piang injury suxs!!


.Monday, January 02, 2006 ' 11:42 PM Y




Hahaha siao already....i dunno why sudden outburst of this crazy high feeling....
Tomorrow 1st day of MST...The stupid test week....Grrr hope all my test will be alright although i still have yet to complete studying it....but man with this kinda high feeling...how to study man....

Lets see tomorrow also the new school year for all students...like secondnary people...hahaha tomorrow my brother and my sister will go school together since they are in the same sch,my bro will be sec 4 while my sis sec 1... not bad arh those 2 same primary school and now same secondnary school....wahahahaha then just now go make fun of them, then they both say each other so suey to be in the same school...hahahaha

Oh just now i think matthew knows i am kinda pissed off with him,cos he come outta nowhere come disturb me HAZEL....koaz he stamina super good sia he super not sian of saying the same things one...somemore its been for almost 1 year ++ liao ever since Year 2....Somemore i dont even know her then come say i should like her lah...what she likes me lah....kena sai!! Think he is the one who likes her lor....he went to know her then in the end he say is because he is doing is for me!!! SUPER WHAT THE FUCK!! Yesterday somemore i played gunbound with him and my sister, then he go tell her this kinda nonsense...wah koaz eh....he thinks damn funny when the joke is only funny to him... WAHAHAHAA *tickles* *tries hard to laugh*!!!

Year 2006 -_-a!!! 1 Year just fly by so fast sia...In fact i can only remember some incidents and some nice stuff that happened in that 1 year....for example hmmmm the class chalet where we watched soccer the champion league finals of Liverpool Vs AC.Milan!! that was an awesome match exciting somemore!!! hahaha and also getting to know FoodCourt Gal!!! hahahaha hmm still got what arh??? bah my 1 year got so jialat not? hahaha oh yah and i started to watch anime because of HELLSING!!! Well still got afew more occassion but dont think need to say out lah...typing needs energy u know...

Think i stop here bah....i dont feel so high anymore liao...i think its because of the music i am listening to now...well anyways HAPPY NEW YEAR PEEPS AND ALL THE BEST!!!



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